About Us
The Author
Janis Hogan is a published author of nonfiction, fiction, personal essays and poetry. As a marketing professional for more than 20 years, Ms. Hogan has written ads, PSAs, video scripts, radio spots and websites. Prior to her business career, she was a feature writer and assistant lifestyles editor for Gannett Newspapers in Westchester County, NY. Her book, All That Matters: A Mother’s Memories, is a collection of pre-published vignettes describing life-altering moments in every day life. It was published by Cumberland House Publishing, Nashville, TN in 2000 and was recently acquired by Turner Publishing, Inc. Janis is a member of The Academy of American Poets.
The Illustrator
Don Farrell, founder and principal of Farrell Design Communications LLC, has been a designer, marketing professional and illustrator for more than 30 years. With a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art, Mr. Farrell has won numerous awards for his designs and continues to serve his clients marketing needs. Don is also an avid naturalist and self-taught landscape designer. He creates his gardens specifically for wildlife to enjoy and thrive.

Other Books by Janis Hogan

All That Matters
A Mother’s Memories
All That Matters: A Mother’s Memories, by Janis Hogan, is a fresh look at the joy and sorrow of relationships as they change over time, particularly with our parents, siblings, spouses, and children. Filled with stories that will evoke both laughter and tears, this book will remind readers of their own lives.

Marigolds at the Mailbox
Poems by Janis Hogan
Illustrations by Don Farrell
Marigolds at the Mailbox is a collection of poems capturing life’s brightest hopes, and darkest moments, in both nature and humanity.